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A member registered May 27, 2021

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lol haha maybe I intended to comment another game. Cant remember now.  Maybe still keep the compliment? haha

Great Stuff!! I have a non game-dev friend that completed almost all the levels in a "non intended" way. Congrats on the second place!

Yes the movement needs its tweaks. Thanks a lot for playing!

Glad you liked it!

Glad to hear the mechanich was simple to follow! Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! I think a checkpoint system and the option to disable dialogue would have been great polish!

Really solid and polished game all arround! the sound is on point, the mechanics are great, the atmosphere is there. Really nothing bad worth giving feedback. Great Job!

I Kinda Hate summer haha so yhea take that sun!

Simple and relaxing with fitting music. Aside from the camera being a little weird no big complains! Congrats!

I found it difficult to undertand what I had to do.  Still nace game, with nice music and story building!

There are so many great games by first-timers in this Jam I am amazed. Sadly this is not one of them... Just Joking! Great Stuff! You should be very proud!

Even though I am not a big fan of these kinds of graphics, Was really fun to play the game! It seems a lot of work was put into it. Quite ambitious! Good Job!

I always like blending of genres. Very Original entry. Good Job!

For your first game its amazing. I only wish my first games had this quality. Keep it on!

Thanks for trying it out! yes, I noticed the same problem.  I think a good solution is to disable mouse input for 0.5 seconds or so when dialogue triggers

Thanks a lot for playing our game, and for the nice compliments!

I agree 100% Thanks a lot for playing!

Thanks! I have noticed that a lot of people were quite happy with the difficulty curve, level design, and "tutorial" while others found themselves clashing against a wall. Quite intresting how every one procces a game

Also, one of the devs of the project is called tiny haha

Cool game! At first it wasnt easy to tell if a robot was seeing you, but by trial and error, I found out that it inst by proximity, wich would make more sense, since the place is dark, and they would need to be close enough to see you. Good Job!

Very nice looking game, and good music. The controls felt a bt strange (I dont know why controls are so hard to get, I also tend to always get them wrong in some sense). Congrats!

As you said in another coment. Not to shaby to be your first game jam.  Congrats! got to 850 points

I am glad the difficulty was worth something! so out of curiosity, could you finish the game?

Thanks a lot!

Being Compared to Bastion or Transistor is an honor! Thanks!

It Looks and Feels Amazing! Its a great submission!

Very Fun and Polished game!

The music is on point! The art is super coherent! only thing is I found it difficult to get trough. Great Job!

Loved the different types of weapons! And the general look of the game was quite coherent. Great job!

and ohh boy that tittle is something!

Simple and to the point! Good Job! got to 750 points

Really intresting mechanichs! great Puzzle game!

Might seem simple, but I can tell the amount of work it went into polishing the game! great work!

Simple, but fun. The gameplays feels quite nice!

The line of cars building up on you, seems quite like real life, haha. Loved the 8-bit style!

Liked the robot animations! only thing worth noticng is that the controls were a bit uncormtable to use. Good one!

Fun Game! Got fired a bunch, and I also hate certain greek letter that us physicist dont talk about... 

Good One!

Very retro inspired. I liked it!

Very cool art style! only thing that i would change later, is the notes matching the key of the song (just as a nice polish)

The movement of the mass was hard to predict and control, but either than that good submission!

Good Game! couldnt find all the 3 pieces on the left side. As a nice polish I would change the side black bars, with big arrows, and would also try to implement an inventory system for your next one. good positive vibes!

I think you got afflicted by scope creep haha It plays nicely even though you couldnt get to finish it! it seems like it has a lot to promise!